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IPD is where I learned how expensive factory boxes were. Front wheel bearing in a Volvo box = $21.95. Same exact SKF bearing (made in...
I had a 145 in the 70s and an 850 waggon in 1997 One of my uncles, had many many Volvos I have to say that when I had that 97 waggon...
El Frazoo
"In 20 years who is really going to be interested in a 1950s replica. I just don’t know." I could add that if you want to understand...
El Frazoo
Yes IPD. Could not recall the name earlier. They were very helpful, had to buy a new cam, lifters, valves and timing gear amongst many...
IPD. I knew it well. They’re still around, but it’s more of Volvo boutique than a performance shop like BITD. (Harder to customized...
I found Volvos from their rally prowess. I couldn’t have cared less about safety. I’d venture a guess that I put 15,000-20,000 miles on...
Sacto Mitch
. I must be getting old. When someone says 'classic Volvo', this is what comes to mind: OK, this may have come up here before, but it's...
I had a 1987 535 for ten years that was the last one
Kevin - Bay Area
I believe someone said it above. My 30-mile weekday commute takes between 2.5-3 hours due to traffic. It's the sole reason I sought out...
550 Phil
All I know is in 1990 when I had 2 kids and didn’t have a pot to piss in I would have killed for this $19k 240DL. It was the ultimate...
Butcher Boy
I had a convex mirror on the passenger side of my Volvo when I own it .......
Michael McKelvey
I followed all of TC's exploits in the past here. He did some interesting stuff. It was very interesting to see a picture of him. This...
Sacto Mitch
. Gordon, as a biker you probably know about the East Coast Bike Trail (could be another name now). I think it has now morphed into a...
Gordon Nichols
The old timers on here will remember "TC" or Tom Canty from Duxbury, MA. Last I saw him, he had a Karmann Ghia Rat Rod that was pretty...
El Frazoo
Had '70 145 B20B automatic. The fam wagon. Worked -- barely. It ate a cam lobe after a while, reportedly not uncommon due to some bad...
Another of Paul Newman's cars/creations was a 1963 VW convertible. It started stock, acquired a pair of Porsche engines in the search of...
Stan Galat
That thing had a twin-turbo V6 from a Buick Grand National in it — not necessarily representative of the marque or the typical owner. As...
Butcher Boy
I was a Volvo owner once. It was a 1984 240GL turbo, 5 speed. We bought it new because the wife wanted a safe car to drive. I had a...
Maybe if your ex was driving one of those monster trucks, she could have just drove through it, back onto the road?
Panhandle Bob
Having my former wife and my kids forced off the 405 freeway and over an embankment, going down a steep incline for about 60 feet into...
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