My mom and dad had only Ford cars from their 1946 coupe all the way into the 1970’s. After the oil crisis hit us in 1973, they downsized to a 1974 Pinto wagon (with the classy wood sides) but found it quite small compared to the Galaxie convertibles they usually bought, so in 1976 they upsized again to a pretty sporty, two-tone Granada Ghia with the optional, gutless, smog-pumped and automatic 90 hp V8. It was a very pretty car and my mom loved the look of it.
Funny, how looks can quickly become superfluous. Once she started driving it she absolutely hated it, so much so that for the first time in almost 20 years of trading cars every two years, she traded it after less than a year.
She had stopped in traffic in front of a car dealer and saw a bright Yellow Firebird Sport sitting out front. She turned into the dealership and bought the car right then and there and they took the Ghia Granada in trade (probably thinking they made a super deal on it). Of all the cars she had owned over the years (and some were truly cool), she always loved that Firebird the best, and hated that Granada the most.