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Reply to "Carlisle 2013 Hotel Reservations"

Host hotel rooms are sold out - but there are others nearby....


I received an email from one of our Speedster owners saying he called for a room today and was told our block of 47 rooms at the Courtyard Harrisburg West/Mechanicsburg is sold out.  For those of you who have not yet made hotel reservations, the following link to Google Maps outlines several hotels located within 2-3 miles of the host hotel and some still have vacancies:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.dmQ&biw=1280&bih=823&wrapid=tlif136390406562510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hotels+near+Courtyard+Harrisburg+West/Mechanicsburg&fb=1&gl=us&hq=hotels&hnear=0x89c8e9cd1df3e667:0x96e7d940ddfa8a16,Courtyard+Harrisburg+West/Mechanicsburg,+4921+Gettysburg+Rd,+Mechanicsburg,+PA+17055&sa=X&ei=XoZLUdO_D5G40gGJxIHgAQ&ved=0COcBELYD


My suggestion is to call the host hotel first and try anyway, they might get cancellations from other groups who have reservations there. 


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  • 10 years