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Reply to "Chris’ Beck Speedster Build"

I recently had "some issue" with my left-side drive line, documented in another thread.  Long sad story having to do with loose castle nut.  Anyway, "while I was at it" I decided the CV joints needed to be replaced. I was not sure that the ones there (EMPI) were OK or not, but upon removal, it seemed to me not everything was kosher.  I shopped around and found a pair (Chinese made, but AB-SO-LUTELY, gauran-fking-teed to be better than OEM, finest possible materials used, exceeding all specs, and etc. etc.)  And a very favorable price where some other suppliers cost more and were "out of stock". Upon receipt, I had to admit they looked pretty good and I can say they turned very smoothly by hand vs. the EMPIs I took off.  So that was a hard lesson learned: those damn castle nuts need to be tight as can be, plus another 25 ft-lbs -- 250 is not too much, they say.  And retourqued from time to time as a maintenance item.  Just so you know.

PS and BTW: your car is gorgeous.
