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Reply to "Corn Daze, Part Deux"

Thanks to everybody who emailed me as I requested.


Here's the thing- in order to get the reduced room rate at the Embassy Suites I need to guarantee we'll have at least 10 room/nights (2 nights in one room is 2 room/nights). Further complicating this is the fact that they want to know specific numbers for specific days-- I'd have thought I could just give them a time-window of 3 or 4 days and guarantee they'll sell at least 10 rooms to our group within the window, but this is not how they operate. They want a minimum head-count for specific dates.


The way I had it set up was for Saturday June 22, and Sunday June 23. The "for sure" responses for those 2 dates don't add up to 10. We've got some of you who are "90%+"-- I need to firm this up, or I can't sign the contract and get any of you the reduced rate.


If you guys can firm this up and email me back, I'd really appreciate it. We're really close to getting the reduced rate, but I need a few more solid commitments.


Thanks- Stan
