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Reply to "Corn Daze, Part Deux"

Thanks, Stan----same here.  I have always felt that the real fun of Speedsterdom is not just owning one of these amazing replicas, but the comraderie and fun attending the various events.  Carlisle was my first and this year will be my 6th in a row.  Also the wonderful Morro Bay event a couple of years ago---I will definitely repeat the West Coast event again.  Great people and fun folks.  The Easterners work on their cars constantly but the Left Coasters just drive 'em and have great gatherings.


Tail Of the Dragon was a Premier event when Hoss was doing the planning--really a sensational weekent driving the Smoky Mountains and the Notorious TOTD plus a great steak place.  (That pizza joint was a looser though---right Marty?)


So now we have Corn Daze---with a few old friends we have met and spent time with plus some old "posting" friends we will meet for the first time.  The difference between just owning a Speedster and going to events driving a Speedster is monumental.
