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Reply to "For all Florida peeps"

 My 2332 engine have 1 vw part in them, my 2387 might have 1 part or might not have it. so does this mean it isant a vw? If I choose to name my replica porsche that will be it's name.

 I have been afiliated with a good few car clubs,I realy dont go in for the bs they also offer or the selling of parts at way over what they should be just because it's a"whatever and I owned it", but for the most part the vw guys are the worst ones I have seen as far as snubing the rest of the it because they drive a lawnmower powered car? or just so jellous&cheep they couldent even have something else?

   In thise day of globalazition what is what is kinda hard to tell.Like my daughters car,a 2006 chevy aveo,oops did I spell that rong,dawoo!!oops, suzuki!!and probably 6 or 7 other names on the same car. In my openion these replicas are about as close to being a porsche as a porsche is. porsche started vw and .....porsche is now a vw... so whats the issue?  For me I like cars , it's the assholes I can do with out.  sorry for the spelling,as Im fixen to go paint my porsche..oops porch.
