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Reply to "For all Florida peeps"

Nearly all of us have had the unpleasant experience of being exluded, bullied, or put down at one time or another.  Either we didn't look right, didn't have the right clothes, enough money, our last name was wrong, we lived in the wrong neighborhood, etc.  Those snubs are easy to remember, even if they occurred decades ago. 


I like to think that I have risen above the feeling of resentment from the snubs I encountered in early life.  For the most part, I have.  But (and there's always a but, isn't there?) there is an instant of time in which I flash back to that kid who was bullied or put down before my rational self kicks in.  In that instant, I want to fight the bully, since that was the way we settled our differences in my neighborhood.


Now, when someone takes a cheap shot at me or what I have, I don't get angry, I get grateful.  I'm fortunate to have overcome circumstances that could have dictated my behavior for life.  I'm no saint by any means, but forgiveness and acceptance works for this old dog.


Some 356 owners are jerks.  Some 356 replica owners are jerks.  Kind of like life, eh?  I just want to drive 'em. 
