I think jim finaly nailed it!!! were all jerks!!!
I dont care what it is.if it's a well built&thought out machine I usualy like it.I was almost 45 befor I found out what the back of a camarow looked like,and that was at a car show, not the track.And now they have re releaced it again,just what the world needed more camarows ,And I'm still not fond of them, ( or is it the jerk owners?who knows)
With that said our new promod is a carbon fiber camarow. Although it dosent look like it.
as for my 356 , it will have some porsche parts. as for my vw,it has a lot of non vw parts.
Now did I do something to offend you when you were working on my car for free in my driveway that would lead you to believe I am a jerk? Is it all the phone calls? I can stop? LOL I am kidding of course. THIS IS WHY - I choose to be part of a club that seems everyone would jump at the chance to help someone else out. I am not sure of mechanical abilities of those that own real ones...but I would bet on it that they do not compare to those here in the SOC as most here actually work on their own cars.