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Reply to "For all Florida peeps"

I have always found it interesting that the TYPE 356 club in Boston was formed as a spin-off of the PCA because of the snobbery of the 911 crowd in the Boston area PCA who looked down on the 356'ers as owning cars that "Aren't real Porsches - they have VW parts in them".  Especially when the 912/914/924/944 all had about 35% (or more) VW parts in them, too.


I'm with several others on here...


I built Pearl because I love the look of her.  


I built her because I could.  


I built her as a way of forgetting about an overly stressful job when I got home from work and, for that, she saved me and I'm still around.  


I built her with all of the mods my brother and his friends made to their original 356's back in the early 60's to make them go fast and handle well, and added some mods that, in my eye, make her more beautiful.  


I built her because I LOVE to drive her on back roads and just feel one with the experience.


I built her to have fun.......and I do, and I don't care what anyone else thinks.


The Speedstah Guy from Grafton
