I agree 100% with that, Rich.
I've been thinking for the last couple of days about what makes a car "important". The Fuhrmann four cam was an "important" automotive milestone. It was a technological tour de force in its day. Every last stop that could be pulled was pulled to take it to the absolute limit of what was possible.
Objectively, though, in 2024 -- my wife's minivan makes more power than the Fuhrmann mill. Scratch that -- a Nissan Versa makes more power. Regardless, I've already GOT a car I "drive the piss out of" (ask anybody who drives with me), and it would run circles around this one.
I have some original artwork hanging in my bathroom. I'm not sure hanging the Mona Lisa in my bathroom would be the best use of the Mona Lisa OR make my bathroom a better place to do bathroom things. I'm conservative -- I think rare and irreplaceable stuff ought to be saved so that the world can understand where we were at a given point in time.
This one is the Mona Lisa.