I actually thought of stopping there overnight going to Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago when we went up I-81, but it just isn't in the right place for a "middle of the trip" overnight for me.
Just like Christiansburg, VA is way too far South for me, Carlisle is a bit too far North (by an hour or two).
We ended up in Martinsburg, West VA, overnight, and that seemed an easy day (except for the 10 mile backup on I-81 while still in Virginia due to an accident). I could have pushed it another hour or two after dinner and been in Carlisle around 7pm, but going I-81 for me is the long way (about 1.5 - 2 hours longer).
If we were just going to Carlisle, though, I would probably take I-95 to I-270 to I-81 and get there around 5:30pm the same day, rather than taking two days and then getting there before 2pm the second day.
I'm jus' sayin'.......My butt is draggin after the first day in the saddle, even in the truck. I would probably be deaf after a day in my speedster.........not to mention wicked stiff.