Sacto Mitch posted:Three to four thousand rpm is sweet, but the joyful noise is from four to five. Just don't be in too much of a hurry to find that out. As you're discovering, good things come to those who wait.
Even better the 6-7+ , but takes away from 3 it does, hard on parts it is so spend more time in the garage you do
and even go boom it does sometimes...
(wise words from Yoda, remember them yes!)
I'm kind of torn. Do I install the motor or wait for the 5 Speed? Ken Porter is about 8 weeks out. Rancho said the can build it in 4 weeks. There is another guy in San Pablo who can do it in 4 weeks. Anthony has been very generous with his information/help, so I feel obligated to use his guy. But... 8 weeks.
Throw the engine in the car and drive it, Ted; the month will fly by like nothing. It's not worth messing up the relationship with Anthony (and his "supply line") you've created. I know you've told me before and forgive me for asking again, but what did you finally decide on for gears/r&p?