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Reply to "How do you make it rain in California?... buy a speedster."

Ted, "It's been a long time"  that's par for the course of building and then installing a Berg 5. being a swing axle it's a bit challenging.  here it is, the once over=

  • install a berg trans mount to your chassis before removing your 4 speed, weld the mounts in place then remove the trans
  • as for the axle position on the spring plates you will need to set the toe when your done. no sense to mark them since you have different axle tubes.
  • remove your 4 speed
  • place your five speed in the car. having the berg cradle mount will help aligning the trans. you will notice the new trans nose cone contacts the axle tube.
  • use a marker, white paint, scribe or anything that works for you to mark the contact areas.
  • remove the trans and begin to cut out the area you marked. after doing several of these I am not shy cutting the torsion tube.  This process for a newbie will require several installs of the trans.
  • you should have gotten the berg 5 mount that has an adapter plate to mount to the stock welded in mount on the pan and connects with two rubber mounts with a stud sticking out. TAKE THOSE RUBBER MOUNTS AND THROW THEM IN YOUR NEIGHBORS POOL!!!!!, Order the alum spacers. don't ask why just get them!
  • After several fits you should have clearance the torsion tube enough. Next mount the cover in place, install the trans again and make sure it has clearance.  then remove the trans.
  • Next you can order the berg piece of metal, fit it in place, tack it in place and install the trans again. if there is not enough clearance go back to grinding on the torsion tube.   Instead of the Berg metal cover I found it to be easier to get some thin steel cut it out larger than the hole in the T-Tube and use a body hammer or round end of a ballpinne  hammer and shape to fit the hole.,trim it and tack it in place, apply silicone to keep out the mositure. paint it.
  • now install the trans. Route the breather hose and secure it. 
  • secure the axle tubes, berg mounts and cradle mount.
  • Next install the coupler on the trans. install the shifter.
  • go back to installing the brakes and clutch cable.
  • fill trans with the proper gear oil- BRAD PENN
  • Install engine.
  • start motor and let the trans be out of gear. the trans will rotate moving the gear oil around. shut off engine. adjust shifter and then restart the engine.
  • test each gear and reverse. 
  • If you have a problem rethink the process and what you missed before calling your tranny builder. He won't be able to diagnose it over the phone.
  • Most of all, Keep telling yourself it's all worth it when I am done!
Last edited by Anthony