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Reply to "How do you make it rain in California?... buy a speedster."

Hey Tony & Terry
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Sounds very straight forward. If you were closer I'd drop the car off at your shop and just have it all done by you guys.   Maybe I drive up on a Friday and drop the car off and drive home with the new 5 speed on Monday.  (kidding... sort of.) Can't wait to get this project wrapped up. I was looking back at this thread and I had forgotten how long this has taken. The financial commitment is nothing when you consider how much time you invest in this upgrade. 

About the existing setup:
The car already has a mid mount so I'm guessing those tabs will have to come out first (assuming they won't work for the Berg mount).  Not a huge deal I have a cutting wheel.  I already have Rhino trans mounts and a solid mid-mount. I'm used to the magic fingers from the 4 speed. 

Regarding this step: 
TAKE THOSE RUBBER MOUNTS AND THROW THEM IN YOUR NEIGHBORS POOL!!!!!, Order the alum spacers. don't ask why just get them!  Okay, that's done. Eric (my neighbor) won't suspect a thing.  Where do I get the aluminum spacers? I checked their site and I couldn't locate them.

While the motor is out I'll be swapping to full stainless fuel lines, relocating the oil cooler with the mount @coolryde built for me a while back, some new spring plate bushings/retainers and wiring up a relay 'cut out' for the cooler fan while the motor is cranking.

Thanks for checkin' in...


Last edited by TRP