Anthony posted:order the ones for the front mount[first photo]. do not order ones for the cradle mount as in the second photo. If you have a berg mid mount in place you do not need to cut the ears for the five speed mount. I think that's what your post was describing. Call me if you want to bring it up for me to do it.
I have a different mid mount in place now, not a Berg. The one I have now was on the car when I bought it. I have no idea who made it. I looked through my old thread here and found a photo of 'it' from November of 2015. You can see the mount below on the right partially occluded by the red generator wire.
You can see how the existing mid mount uses large I shaped tabs compared to the smaller (yet more robust) mounts of the Berg mount I'll be installing. I'll get under there and see what lines up and what doesn't.
Thanks for the info on the bushings. I will order two of the first style today.