Two rod-end bearing connections on each side of the sway bar - what could go wrong?
Someone went to the trouble to install Porsche valve covers, but usee an EMPI oil breather box - not that there is anything wrong with that. My untrained eye noticed a few things in the engine bay that didn’t seem to square with the body work.
The story that I heard is that this car was once owned by the mechanic who now stores it. A woman had another car at his garage for service, saw his 550 and asked if it was for sale - she wanted it. He didn’t really want to sell it so he throw out a high price. Later, she paid her bill and added the sales price to her payment and told the mechanic ‘ok I just bought your Spyder’. 😂. He probably cried a little and decided to sell it to her for the price he stated. Some time later, after two close calls where her car came close to being stolen from her garage she asked the mechanic if he could store it for her, which is where it has been sitting.