@El Frazoo posted:Thermodynamics ... I have a degree in that, and spent most of my career cyphering on those principles, albeit with emphasis on what happens at Mach-alot.
Great, you’re just the person to run this by, I was going to post it yesterday and got distracted:
When I was “doing my own research” wrt my Spyder getting really hot driving at consistent high revs (freeway) or pulling a long grade, and finding out about the Cooled Thing repro shroud I read something that seemed a bit fantastical. I can’t remember if it was in the Concept1 sales lit, Jake Raby’s endless cooling thread on the Samba, or just some random forum post, but someone postulated that you can actually have TOO MUCH airflow over a cooler, that as the temperature of the vanes goes down past a certain point, so does the heat transfer. Seemed like mumbo jumbo to me. Is there any validity to that?