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Reply to "Looking ahead: Corn Daze Trilogy"

Originally Posted by Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Tremont, IL:
Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

So make it a 10-day event covering two weekends.  Everybody can come and stay as long as they want.  Problem solved (damn I'm good!)

Lane, that'll be in Sept, when I do Carmel by the Sea and Highway 1. I'll be wearing ruts in I80, eating smoked almonds and staying in flea-bag motels on the way out. Jeanie will fly in and we'll do a nice week on the central coast. She'll fly home, and I'll do the banzai-run back (possibly on I40).


Heaven will be like this.

Stan, send me a PM about this.  Inquiring minds want to know.
