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Reply to "Looking For Feedback: My First Beck Build"

Keep in mind my usually successful opening line with anyone associated with the DMV

Dress neat, walk in with smile , greet the person in front of you asking " I hope that you can help me today " For whatever rational, it always works for me.

Me, I adopted a tactic I learned from my dad: I tell them my life story up until the moment they called my ticket. By the time I get to the important part of the story their eyes are glazed over and they do whatever I want.

Saved me a $100 charge for lapsed insurance recently when I re-registered my 968. Apparently, my address change never processed when I moved back from NY, despite me registering it in Utah. So when I dropped the liability when I put it in storage in 2018, they sent the “Vehicle Off Road” warning letters to NY then cancelled my registration. I pled my case and the cashier dropped the $100 fine to get rid of me.
