@550 Phil posted:Ray I know this sounds weird but I was actually looking for an older IM in good condition. Virginia has the highest personal property tax on vehicles in the nation. 4% NAD value of the car EVERY year. They go out of their way to calculate the value of replicas on recent car sales etc. But when the car hits 25 years old it becomes an antique and is exempt from PPT and no longer has to pass state inspection. So no PPT on the IM. PPT on my Spyder is actually going up even though it’s aging. WTF. Virginia also has the 2nd highest tax on liquor in the country. Good thing I don’t like nice cars or bourbon. Ugh.
That is a crazy tax, for sure, you would think once is enough but to pay tax yearly is excessive. We have a vacant unit tax here on houses that is also a vulturing move by the locals.