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Piggyback or Reflashing ECUs for Subaru Engines

@chines1, I'm moving this into its own topic to avoid too much thread drift on @DannyP's Speeduino thread. I'm curious if you've heard of anyone who's trying to make more than stock Subaru power using a piggyback ECU or by reflashing the ECU.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, there were several good options around 20 years ago, but I just did a search and it looks like the GReady E-manage is the only one to survive. The obvious advantage is that you keep all of the good behavior built into the stock ECU and can add fuel/spark where you want it.

I know some stock ECUs can be reflashed and that would eliminate the need for a piggyback. Perhaps that's why there seems to be little market for them? I'm firmly stuck on Type 1, but I am curious.

Here's a link to the GReady product:

Thanks for all of the great insight you provide to this forum. It's very much appreciated!

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