@aircooled posted:Thanks Gordon I looked them up and they were powder coat process using heat. So my fiberglass part would get burned I guess. As Lane says too.............Bruce
I would have thought a guy like you would be intimately familiar with powdercoating, Bruce.
I've been spraying powder on parts for years. Eastwood sells a home powdercoat system. The entire process involves electrostatic attraction - the powder in the gun is positively charged (electrically), and the piece to be powdered is grounded. The powder moves from the gun to the piece with some air pressure (albeit a very small amount), and sticks to the piece by means of static electricity, primarily. Once the layer of powder is on the piece, you move it into an oven where it melts out to a smooth and rock-hard finish.
It's a gillion times more durable than paint, but the piece has to be conducive and able to endure 350+ deg to work.
I'm pretty sure Gordon just missed that the air-cleaner was FG.