I forget exactly what John Steele said to me about RPMs and such for my engine, but he allowed as how it would red line at 6,000 easy, and would take more for short times, and all of this in the first three gears. In 4th, he said something about how it would go faster than I would have nerve to try. And I think he is right about that. I may have topped 90 a time or two on the intersate chasing Cory home, in the rain, and that would have been around 4500. The car is light at the front, and the notion of joining the Speedster Air Force is just about right on. I am not sure where the lift-off point would be. It will probably do 120, but I'm not sure I'd feel very happy about it. Maybe after three bags of sand in w/ the battery, and a spoiler at the front. That might be OK. I'm supposed to have a freeway-flier and I run 185-15 Kumos that just barely fit inside the body at the back. Doubling the tach reading just about gives the right speed. 3,000 is a bit above 60 mph, I'm pretty sure.
PS: Merry Christmas to all!!