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Something’s a-miss

The first week of December, I thought the speedster developed a miss. It was slight, and really only noticeable at idle, but not under power. I checked my wires, wondering if one jiggled loose somehow. But nope.
So last Saturday, started with my valves. They haven’t been adjusted in about 1 year or 2k miles. They were out, but ever so slightly. Next was checking the wires. The wires had spark. So then the plugs. I realized I never changed the plugs since I bought the car in 2017. And from the look, they were probably what was installed in the car when VS built it in 2013. So new plugs were installed.
The miss was still there.
While the car was running, carb cleaner was sprayed at the base of the intake manifolds.  The car sputtered when the driver side intake manifold was hit.  Sprayed the passenger side manifold at the base. No change in idle.
So, new gaskets were purchased. And it’s a good thing. The gasket on the driver side was essentially non existent. The gasket on the passenger side only had a few pieces missing.
Once the gaskets were installed, a little fine tuning was needed to the carbs.
Finally. No miss. While it sounds good, the rain the next few days is putting a halt on enjoying the ride on the roads.
I also installed my new Vintage Speed shifter (thanks to @chines1)

Looking forward to a long drive and to see if I notice any changes.

Look at that happy face below:



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