It really depends on what you want, I understand your logic, but its not all about the return on the investment. The cost of a real Speedster in nice condition being 150k & up makes this I.M. and those like it a great bargain. I've owned 4 Real Speedsters ,all of which were outstanding examples and this Replica of Intermecannica's is by far the most fun of all, & the build quality is the best of the breed. I believe the build of a new I.M. like the one I'm offering makes this a very attractive buy. It runs better than any real 356 I've owned & I've had at least 35 in my lifetime. Pat Downs who built this engine say's 100k on the engine should be expected if properly maintained & this one has been . I'm surprised at the negative remarks , especially from a site dedicated to Replica's.. Have you priced a new I.M. lately.....Where can you have more fun, & get this kind of quality for 45k !!!