I agree that $50K may not make sense for Zumwoll. However, almost all of us have some investment knowledge. That's how we funded our replicas. If my replica doesn't outperform the original, then I have failed in my mission to have a vehicle that takes me back to my youth, but does so with a performance that the original can't hope to equal.
For many of us, it's not a choice of replica vs. investment. I still need to think about how I will pay for things I am passionate about. I have also accepted the fact that my replica is not a good investment choice. Fortunately, at this stage in my life, return on the dollar is not at at the top of my replica concerns. Performance, safety, and reliability are the important issues for me with my replica. That's what works for me at present. I'm not saying that's what will work for you. Let's enjoy what we have and drive 'em like we stole 'em.