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Reply to "Who on here also has a Porsche as a daily driver"

Stick to your Speedsters gentleman.
Angela is the only one here that can drive ANY P car she wants, new or old, Cayman, Boxster, 996, etc... oh, and Butters.
Older men, unless driving something vintage or in the 612 Scaglietti range, look sad.
Small newer sports cars and men in the age range of 35-55 just don't mix. Unless you're gay (NTTAWRT) and then any cutesy little convertible is OK.
Sorry to say it, but its true. I've done extensive surveys on this and the results always come back the same.
If it's vintage and sporty its OK.
If its new a sporty it's not.
Women look great driving any sports car anytime anywhere always and always. (Did I mention woman driving sports cars look great?)