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Reply to "Who on here also has a Porsche as a daily driver"

I'll bet ANY amount of money that the average buyer of a speedster in 1957 would've had their virility and masculinity questioned by pretty much every male (and female) in the heartland. A 4 cylinder foreign car for the same cash (or more) as a domestic V8 would've made Mr. and Mrs. America question the sanity of the buyer as well.

The point is: who cares what anybody thinks? I live in a small-town, where a lot of what people do (and where they live, and what they drive) is dependent on what other people think of it. It's got to be nice- but not TOO nice, or people might get the impression that I'm stuck on myself...

I couldn't care less. If what I've got is cool to me (nice or not), then I don't give a rip what anybody else thinks of it.
