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Reply to "Wilwood calipers"

I've got Wilwood, 4-pot Dynalite calipers on my car.

I had the single piston CBP wide-5 brakes on it for 15+ years, but switched a couple of years ago when I went backwards from wide-5 to 5/130 late Porsche hubs, so I could run good/light 16" wheels (and more importantly, readily available 16" summer tires).

The point is not to brag, but to make a statement. There's almost no functional difference between the brakes I had and the brakes I have now. Hear me -- the SINGLE PISTON CBP brakes stopped the car as well as the 4-pot super-brakes.

I'm a huge fan of good brakes. The weight distribution of a Speedster and the brake bias of most 4-wheel disc kits is all wrong. Brakes can be much, much better than the Beetle drums, but the problem is not the readily available calipers being too small (or even too heavy). The problem with "the hated EMPI" brakes is the weight of the rotors, not the surface area of the pads or swept area of the pistons.

The "Ghia replacement" Wilwoods are an expensive answer in search of a problem.

Last edited by Stan Galat