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Reply to "Winter Projects"

I had a Kennedy stage 1 pressure plate and a Kennedy disk which I nursed along for 20 years of chattering, thinking it was the cable, then the Bowden tube, then installed a Kafer Brace, all in hopes of curing the chatter - to no avail.  

Last year I had to pull the engine for something not related and found that the clutch plate was failing.  The collar on the plate was cocked to one side when the plate was sitting flat on the bench.  In fact, it had been failing for years and I never knew it.  I emailed Carey at Beck for his recommendation and found the Sachs HD plate and disk he recommended.  I believe it is the same as what Danny P got for his Spyder, but not sure.

What I am sure of is that it grabs like a gorilla on my 2,110 and is butter smooth.  I wish I had gone this route over 15 years ago!
