~The Third Annual 2010 Fall Pumpkin Run~
Everyone had a great time last year so here it's time to mark your calendar's for Saturday October 9th !
A one day local motoring tour set in the hills and back country roads of South Central PA. Kim and I will furnish a light continental breakfast.
Arrival 9:30 and 10:00 AM at the Merklin family Casa,some socializing and exaggerating and heading out around 10:45 or so for a 3 -4 hour run through the back roads and a chance to crank it up here and there though the twisties and hills with a couple of rest stops along the way. Our destination for food and drink is in the planning stages.
Please email me with your thoughts on any possible improvements.
We all look forward to having additional speedsters on this year's run!
The rain date will be Sunday October 10th. ~Alan & Kim
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