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We had perfect 77 degree weather, good country roads with minimal cow poop. We had a Fire Cop that held traffic for us at blind intersection, church bells tolled and fire sirens sounded as we entered small town of Mercersburg PA. (OK so it was exactly 12noon) and Max is now the world's oldest speedster owner.
I would like the 22 participants that came out to share the day, we had a great time and hope everyone did as well.

Our photos and a unique short video of Cory at his best will be posted tonight.

Please email me your suggestions for next year . ~Alan & Kim
I just got home a little while ago. I crashed at an old Navy pal's place in Perry County last night and hung out with him and his missus all day. We had moose chili for lunch.
Took the same route home, more or less, that we used to get there.
Brilliant job, Alan. Great pictures, everybody!
Kim, you have a future in the blackmail business ...
Alan, Kim, et al.: What a fine day that was! Please note: The coupon for a free car wash was not in my goodie bag, so I'd appreciate if you would send me one in the mail, so I can get all that dust off my car. ;-) These little plastic tubs, as I am sure everyone who has one has noticed, are dust and dirt magnets, owing to their plastic composition and the way static electricity goes. If someone made a wax that would kill the static electricity, he could make a killing w/ this group. But the view was worth it, even though the small group of serious hikers that were having lunch on the out-look might disagree -- they were having such a pleasant and quiet afternnon until we showed up . . .

Anywho, the day was glorious, much like yesterday, which was spent working around the house and cheering the Redskins -- luckiest bunch going in the NFL this year -- and also much like today, which unfortunately I am spending the bulk of in the office. Oh well. Babs and I had a wonderful Run; she was thrilled to meet some of the local Speedster lunatics, and was properly impressed with same and their cool cars. Took the Interstates on home after Dilly's, getting in a little after dark, very pleasantly bushed. While it is exhilirating(?) being out in the open on such a fine day, wind in the face, and all of that, 200+ miles in a noisey car can wear you out -- a little. I have a few pics, and will post up later.

PR III a huge success, and happy Birthday Max!!!
Kim and Alan and everybody -- Just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to re-acquaint myself with everything I've missed the last three years. Nothing compares to a string of Speedsters out through the windshield. Nothing. Nobody compares to the people who own them. I'd forgotten much of that. Toni and I got to follow the Hoopty for much of the ride. Can't ask for more for a re-initiation. Astonished at how fast it was when Cory put the hammer down. Toni romped her S2000 but couldn't come close to keeping up. It was just gone.

Gotta thank everybody too for the double birthday. I'm getting the hang of them. So I'm with you, Bruce and Lane. Bring 'em on. I'll take 'em all. Not that I've got much choice. This time, along with five tequila shots, I even scored a present. Cory took his do-rag off and gave it to me. Sweat and all. Never had the guts to wear one, but if Cory thinks it's okay to give me one, and if Jim can put a pineapple on his head, and if Norma can still stand to sit next to me, hell, I've gotta be fine about wearing it.

It was good to have Cory lead us in remembering Bill when we were all assembled for lunch. Good to remember that smile and spirit. I think we did okay living up to his legacy.


Images (1)
  • Do-Rag
Where on Earth can a group of people who seldom meet and don't know much about each other, have such a great time together when they DO meet?

And it's not just an East Coast or West Coast thing, it's anywhere that Speedster and Spyder owners meet.

As I've heard several times now, it's like the best family reunion that you never had!

Lookin' good in the Do-Rag there, Max... You're a natural.

Happy Birthday!

The Speedstah Guy from Beaufort
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