~The 2009 Fall Pumpkin Run~
Everyone had a great time last year so here it's time to mark your calendars for Saturday October 10th for the Pumpkin Run....
A local one day motoring tour set in the hills and back country roads of South Central PA. Kim and I will again furnish a light continental breakfast. Arrival 9:30 at the Merklin Motor Craft's "Save the Speedsters" Facility & Merklin family Casa" shoot the breeze from 9:30-10:30 AM, then heading out about 10:30 or so for a 2-1/2 to 3 hour run through the back roads and a chance to crank it up here and there though the twisties and hills with a couple of rest stops along the way.
Our destination for food and grog is still in the planning stages.
I look forward to having additional speedsters on this year's run! ~Alan
The rain date will be Sunday October 11th.
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