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Howdy all--musbjim gave me some good advice on car show placards
and I'm seeking additional advice on participating in a car show.

Now my Speedie is an average car in Carlisle with the 356 group including Howard's car and others that take your breath away, but here in Dogpatch my Speedster is a VERY spectacular ride! I entered it in a car show this coming Saturday where 200+ cars of all kinds are expected. I do imagine that around here the pickumups will be the largest category! But I digress--I'm seeking advice on what category I should be in---there are 20 in all I'm told.

It's a 4 hour show and I'm wondering what it will be like---boring? Being stuck "guarding" my car" Being asked how much it's worth and so forth. (How do you answer what it's worth??) None of their freakin' business is my first reaction but do you just give em a VS price list?

Who here has had your Speedster in a car show--what was it like? Any other advice?

Seems I read something about this subject on this site a year ago but can't find it again with a search.

I'll post some pix of the event next week. Thanks for advice and suggestions.


2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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Howdy all--musbjim gave me some good advice on car show placards
and I'm seeking additional advice on participating in a car show.

Now my Speedie is an average car in Carlisle with the 356 group including Howard's car and others that take your breath away, but here in Dogpatch my Speedster is a VERY spectacular ride! I entered it in a car show this coming Saturday where 200+ cars of all kinds are expected. I do imagine that around here the pickumups will be the largest category! But I digress--I'm seeking advice on what category I should be in---there are 20 in all I'm told.

It's a 4 hour show and I'm wondering what it will be like---boring? Being stuck "guarding" my car" Being asked how much it's worth and so forth. (How do you answer what it's worth??) None of their freakin' business is my first reaction but do you just give em a VS price list?

Who here has had your Speedster in a car show--what was it like? Any other advice?

Seems I read something about this subject on this site a year ago but can't find it again with a search.

I'll post some pix of the event next week. Thanks for advice and suggestions.

Pay your entrance fee, park the car fill out the windshield card, wipe the dust from the car, hide the rags and detail spray and plop your butt in a lawn chair only to be bombarded with:
"Is it real""...Oh, it's a VW kit car".....Thats's a James Dean car dear".... and........... "Do you drive it?"
Be sure to have a fly swatter to swat the little shit ass kids away too!....Have a good show day !
Jack, I've had this car in several, as I did with my MG Midget back a few years ago. I've always enjoyed them, but I've always been among a lot of friends. If that's the case, you'll have fun wandering around, and you certainly don't have to feel shackled to your car. It'll be much like Carlisle, but smaller. If you don't know anyone else there, it will be fun for the first hour or so, then it'll get a bit boring.
Entered the Gel Coat Wonder at benefit car show at Palomar Colledge for deployed troops families and the Industrial Arts dept. The categories were "What Kind of Pontiac do your have?" and "other". The show was sponsored by the Pontiac Club, nice folks.

I believe I registered in the Sports Car category. Lots of nice cars to look at and I won the cutest little car award. I still have the fine Torrey Pine plack. Basically followed Drclock's rules for the show.

Showman Jack:

I have business cards printed up with a picture of me and Pearl on the front, saying "1957 Porsche Speedster Replica" and my email address. On the back is the URL for all of the major builders so the inquiring mind can check them for his/her self. Passed out a lot of those cards over the years, and occasionally hear back that someone actually bought a car.

A windshield placard as Jim suggested is great. Mine tells that it is a replica of a '57 Speedster, built by me, with info on engine and so forth and what the paint is (everyone seems to ask that sooner or later). Lately, I've added all of the states it has visited. That's getting impressive, too.

I very seldom enter into a judged show. Like Vince, I used to judge cars shows and often even the judges couldn't agree on which cars they liked, so now I just show up and have a good time unless it is a spectator-judged show, and then I might enter, just for the heck of it. I also tend to go only to shows that have really good Barbeque or seafood or other cool food - especially if food is free for entrants.

I've entered into the following categories over the years:
Kit car, pre-1960, Foreign, Convertible, Speedster (that was the Boston Porsche-Fest), "Out-of-State", Home Built, and my Favorite - "Other".

Bring a lawn chair, some beer, a tall beer can cozy (especially in most Southern States - Better if it says "Jesus loves me" on it), some Sun block and some "Quik Detailer" to remove the fingerprints and smudges as the day wears on. Whew! Your show is FOUR HOURS LONG???

Have a great time!


I have an 8x10 plackard in a nice frame with the following basically tells the story....
I have a folding chair, umbrella, cooler, sun block and a flask of Scotch....
I never have my car judged, because it's not an old car, and trophies are not allowed in the house...even for the ghia...
(I've won two, and gave them away)






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  • hermosa05
Bring sunscreen, shade if you can and a cooler. Chat and visit with people. If kids like your car and have good manners, let them sit in it so their parents can take a picture.

At a car show (or most anywhere else for that matter!), you are an ambassador for these amazing, lovely cars. I meet dozens of really cool people at car shows. Okay, some dinks, but overall - meeting all those enthusiasts is an absolute blast!! Have a really great day!

Most car show I have been to - either entered or just passin through - the women are parked in the lawn chairs "guarding" the cars, and the men are out and about looking at cars, talking cars and enjoying themselves.

But one aspect of a good car show is the conversation, not only with spectators, but with other owners with interests common to yours. I have had some great conversations with the women sitting with the cars. Some are very knowledgeable (the 300 SL gullwing was HER car, NOT her husbands!). Others are just happy to talk to someone NOT about cars - kids, weather, politics. A car show without good conversation can never be a great car show. People being people.

That said, when I go to Good Guys next month, it is the cars who are the stars. With over 2000 hot rods driven through the gates, you have to run just to see them all. It's a different kind of show.
Two placards (8"x5") white engraved letters on blue background fits perfectly in windshield (resting against the strut for the rear-view mirror).

First placard reads;

1957 Porsche Speedster Replica
Mfg by
1835 cc Front Disc Brakes
29 mpg Daily Driver

Second placard reads;

RepliCar ownership can be compared to a woman with breast implants;
EVERYBODY knows they aren't real...yet they're still NICE TO LOOK AT
...and they're WAY MORE FUN than the originals!!

As to question of how much did it cost; Musbjim replies..."you tell me what you earn and I'll tell you if you can afford it!"

Jim--great reply! I was troubled by answering that question. Dunno why but it seems a rude thing to ask but I know everyone is curious.
ll definitely use it selectively.

Your answer is a good un. I sorta think too that if it's a sincere question I should be forthright as the bang for the buck in a car like mine is sorta unreal. Maybe that bargain price would cause another Speedster owner to be born here.
Lessee that would make two in the state! Wish I were still in CA.---Jack
Agree with just about everything said previously (and picked up a couple of neat pointers from Vince and MUSBJIM, thanks!). I especially like the "naked" and the "how much" replies.

If it's a show at a venue that is family focused (like a fair with rides, activities, food, vendors, etc.), you may want to watch the little kids closely. I have four or five long surface scratches on my right rear quarter where a four year old ran a matchbox car over the paint. (I promise, I didn't grab or hit, but I did yell three words: "NO, NO, NO!" Mom got really pissed and told me there was no need to yell. I didn't say a word and just glared as they walked away.) A cop was showing his car next to mine and said he wouldn't have exercised as much control.

I have since learned that there are some shows where I could leave the car alone all day with the keys in it and not have problem. Others, you need to stand by the car and run interference between the two. Suggestion, just know which is which.

By the way, I need to find out more about that wet sanding trick. Hopefully, someone at Morro Bay will give me an idea if they will "buff out".

Best regards,

I can't imagibne how I'd react if some kid damaged my car. I'm a pain in the ass on a god day but with a gash in my newly color sanded and buffed Speedie it wouldn't be pretty I know that.

Thanks for the warning about this possibility--I'll be even more alert when the "ankle biters" get within touching distance of my car.

I just waxed it with that carnuba wax that Lane recommended and it does look super if I say so myself. Jack
Jack, the Hoopty has been entered in a show -- once -- because I was too lazy to walk half a mile from the parking lot into the Bug-Out in Manassas, Va., two years ago.
Some of our SOC folks were there, and they encouraged me to enter the car for judging. It went into the 'Radical" category with the dune buggies and such.


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  • 090507 plaque
Well--"Speedie" won 2nd place in the "touring" category. This was sort of a catch all that included everything but pick up trucks. About 75 vehicles there with a grotesque 1957 Continental Mark II winning People's Choice --it belonged to the M.C. of the program (who also counted the votes.)

Interesting time, some new friends, no pissey comments about my plastic car. The advice to let the kids sit in it and let their parents take pictures was helpful and many families jumped at the chance.

Only one asked if it was a kit car to which I replied "No--it was manufactured in a factory like the rest of the cars here" --I did have "replica" on the placard.

Drizzled 1/2 the day. Too long: 10AM-3PM. I handed out 15-20 Vintage Flyers with two people being verey interested planning to see the VS website. One Airforce Vietnam Vet missing a leg asked about automatic transmissions and I told him abour SAS in Knoxville.

Good time in all. Thanks for so much good advice beforehand---It was really helpful.----Jack ---proud of my $6.00 trophy!

Good going.

I can't count how many times I've been to a car show that was put on by "so-and-so car club" and ALL of the major awards went to members of that club. Happens all the time, everywhere in this fine country. Kinda like getting the common cold.......

We have an "exclusion rule" in the Beaufort club that, if w=the club is putting on a judged show, then club members are inelegible. Makes a lot of sense (and greatly reduces hard feelings, too.)

Congrats on the award, and I bet you had a lot of fun with all those family pictures!

Jim and Vince,et al
You'll get a laugh from this story. I was doing a local car show about 2 years ago. It was one of the better attended shows. About 450 cars represented.
Two elderly women were walking arm and arm through the sea of gleaming chrome and admiring the cars. I thought it somewhat unusual to see two little old ladies at a car show. All of the downtown shops were open, so maybe they mistakenly came into town the same day as the show to shop!
Eventually they made it to where my car was parked,and stopped to admire the car. The one women was gitty at seeing such a "cute" little car. The other lady stood there expressionless. The first elderly women asked if it would be okay if her friend "discovered" my car. I thought it a little odd to use that verbage for someone to look at a car,but I said ,sure!! Harmless enough right? I found out immediately that the other women was blind. (should have been a tip off when I saw them walking arm and arm together) DUH!!
She proceeded to place both of her hands on the car and feel her way around the car inch by inch. What happened next blew me away! She said that when her husband was alive, he had owned a 2 seater that they would drive in the country on weekends. He had a Porsche 356 Speedster also. I NEVER mentioned that it was a Porsche 356,she was able to identify the type car it was by feel.Made my day, and brought some sunshine into her life too.
This was one time I did not mind wiping finger prints off of my car.
Yes. I got talked into that by a friend at work. and took it to a show I got a Plague like Cory's. for the Best kit car.

First place. But their weren't that many there..

My so called friend swiped the prize money. I never saw it ..

That's his loss Not only do I not have anything to do with him anymore Mr. Vestal wont do business with him now. at all..

He left him out in the cold. to think about it..

I always get some kind of crap, from the people around here in this area..

Why do I bother?
NO sir !! I'm just surrounded by a bunch of greedy A-holes down here in Bear Creek.

Even the county commissioner's are crooks down here.

We have a cow pasture less than 500 feet from the back door of our home where a neighbor was allowed to clear 60 acres was he stopped by the soil and water conservation dept.. NOOOO!!! Was he Fined for disturbing a watershed Nooo!! but he's a rich facat with a big ties to the county..


We are in a rural area, And the commissioners, want to rezone us as residential. So they can raise taxes for their defunked water project.. that no one down here wanted and almost no one tied into..

How can they do that legally. when they allow this other mess that is very illegal to go on ?

I'm more interested in how to stop it legally.. or jus sell and move away.

We have people moving down here from New York that when they find this mess out move somewhere else Chatham County is crooked they just built a new hospital and it only has 25 beds..


Check out the calendar for and see when they'll be doing a show. They do several throughout the season, including one in Beverly, MA, something at Endicott College and others at Wolfsboro, NH, and Owl's Head, ME. A big bunch of them usually show up for the "Porschefest" show at the Larrs Anderson Museum in Boston (the museum has a web site, too....)

They are a terrific group of folks with mostly original Porsches but also have a few (and growing) "tribute cars" like ours and treat replica owners like real people. Mention my name and Pearl and someone will surely remember me.

See you and Marc at Carlisle!

Thanks Gordon.... I joined the 356 registry (mainly because I loved the grill badge!) but I haven't looked at any of the sites for any gatherings. I remember you saying last summer that the NE group was a good group of folks and didn't look "down" on replicas, so I'll start to watch those sites, too! The snow is begining to melt up here, and I can't wait to get our car out & driving! Really looking forward to meeting everyone at Carlisle, too!
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