Howdy all--musbjim gave me some good advice on car show placards
and I'm seeking additional advice on participating in a car show.
Now my Speedie is an average car in Carlisle with the 356 group including Howard's car and others that take your breath away, but here in Dogpatch my Speedster is a VERY spectacular ride! I entered it in a car show this coming Saturday where 200+ cars of all kinds are expected. I do imagine that around here the pickumups will be the largest category! But I digress--I'm seeking advice on what category I should be in---there are 20 in all I'm told.
It's a 4 hour show and I'm wondering what it will be like---boring? Being stuck "guarding" my car" Being asked how much it's worth and so forth. (How do you answer what it's worth??) None of their freakin' business is my first reaction but do you just give em a VS price list?
Who here has had your Speedster in a car show--what was it like? Any other advice?
Seems I read something about this subject on this site a year ago but can't find it again with a search.
I'll post some pix of the event next week. Thanks for advice and suggestions.
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