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OK you guys---fess up time is here. I just realized that I check into this Speedster Owner's site WAY too many times each day! When we were in France with no internet access I was frantic to know what's going on here. Now we're back home and I can satisfy my curosity as often as I think about it.

So here's the deal---how many times a day on average do you get on the site and read what's been posted since the last time you checked in?

I'm embarassed to tell you my number but I may after seeing a few other brave souls tell their number of mis-spent check-in's each day.

So what's YOUR number? Be honest too, dammit! ---Jack

2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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OK you guys---fess up time is here. I just realized that I check into this Speedster Owner's site WAY too many times each day! When we were in France with no internet access I was frantic to know what's going on here. Now we're back home and I can satisfy my curosity as often as I think about it.

So here's the deal---how many times a day on average do you get on the site and read what's been posted since the last time you checked in?

I'm embarassed to tell you my number but I may after seeing a few other brave souls tell their number of mis-spent check-in's each day.

So what's YOUR number? Be honest too, dammit! ---Jack
It's practically my screensaver. I don't really have a job so I'm on here all the time. My employees think I work tirelessly because I'm always on the copmuter. I have 5-6 sites I check religiously a few times a day. Now that I have my Iphone I can check from anywhere!!! It's awesome!

Dear God, I need a life, or a real job at the very least.

I just KNEW that there were others as sick as I am! Many even whackier. My number is 4-5 times and now I can "Up" the check-ins
without guilt since I know there are many worse than I am!

I wonder who holds the record?---let's hear from the rest of you!!

You know you cant be helped until you admit your problem---right?


Alan, at my peak I had you beat. But I think Lane has us all. He seems to be ever-present. I thought I kicked the habit . . . but now find myself hearing the call again sometimes 3, 5, even 15 times a day.

It will get worse when I get another car in play. Until then I can only dream through the site. That's what its for - isn't it?

How many times have you sighed a deep sigh or even cursed aloud to see only 3 or 4 new posts since the last time you checked . . . or worse . . . none at all.
Holy Crap! Now I can see why some of these brand new threads have dozens of entries before I ever see them. Being retired, I'm only here once a day MAX. During the winter I probably average two accesses every three days.

I spend six months every summer in a three room cabin on a lake - No TV, no landline telephone (cell phone is spotty), no Newspaper, about three radio stations to choose from (one solely is a weather station) and no garbage collection. To access you guys I drive to the local library and hope one of 6 computers is available for use. So summer access is like once a week or less.
Hi, my name is Kelly -- and I am also a SOCaholic. Use the computer a lot at work, so drop in 4-5 times a day during the week; tends to be less often on the week end as I try to leave all that computer BS behind and do other stuff. But, as Lane says, resistance is futile. Currently I am in Cocoa Baech FL, where it is good Speedster cruisin' weather and I wish I had mine. "Dropping in" via lap-top wi-fi.

Speaking of traveling, I was in Santa Barbara, CA the other week and while touring the environs and sitting at the sidewalk cafes there after the work time, I noticed one or another sort of Porsche on the streets about every three minutes. Never seen so many out and about. No Speedsters sighted, however.
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