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I used to be very active on a forum named "Banjo Hangout" --that was before I got by Speedster! Anyway, they show the number of posts along with the name of the person posting and assign categories based on the number of posts. Such as Newbie, Average Member, Rollin' Forward, Senior Member and Forum Fixture. I guess the purpose is to encourage participation. No indication of "Lurkers" of which we have many here on the SOC.

I'm sure many of you have seen the same sort of thing on the forums you frequent.

You can sure see who the addicts are though.

Who holds the record here on the SOC so far? Maybe we need a trophy presentation at Carlisle??

Any others feel the need to 'fess up? We're listening!---Jack
I was wondering about the subterranian frequenters: the lukers? They skulk around sucking up all this vital info and truley arcane trivia (not to mention the occassional neat photo from Vince) and never get seen. Wonder how many there are? Theron must have, or be able to figure out, how many members are active members, but do not post-up. Just curious to know. As to a trophy or other award to the one most addicited -- I'm not sure that pushes in the right direction -- you think we need MORE encouragement?
Just want to add my 2 cents... I go on 'marathon' SOC binges! It's amazing just how long I can stay on this site. It's been great when I've got a long layover and am messed up with time zones & countries! I just log onto SOC and spend a few hours reading both new and old threads. (Some of which are hysterical!) My laptop is a very essential part of what I pack for my trips! I've started to only fly to the cities that give crews free internet! Now that's addiction!!!
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