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I met Jim Young, the publisher of Kit Car Magazine at the great Morro Bay event last April. Also with him in CA was Max Zimmer, a wonderful writer and contributor to the magazine. Carloyn Young also has an article in the current issue that made me laugh out loud.

It's no secret that both Jim and Max are partial to Speedster and Spyder replicas. They each had great articles in the issue after Morro Bay and max wrote a hilarious article about the Pumpkin Run that Alasn and Kay Merklin hosted thiis year. A photo of Max wearing Corey's checkered do rag was a hoot--also a nice Speedster shot.

Mentions of Kelly, Kim, Alan, Wild Bill, Joan, Norma, Bruce,Wolfgang, Barry, Toni, Dale Linda, Rocky, Lewis, Cory, Justin,his dad and quite a few others.

Max' writing is priceless,like this line talking about Cory's Hoopty; "The Hoopty, his silver and orange clamshell Speedster stands out like a pit bull at poodle school."

Also a neat story about our resident Rocket Scientist, Kelly.
Also a bonus article by John Steele of JPS fame showing off his '49 Ford daily driver.

Nice Beck ad too.

When I subscribed I had no idea that there would be so much about Speedsters and participants in The Madness and that has been a bonus. I ordered a few back copies too.

The magazine is only $22 a year (4 issues, I think), and you can get a subscription by calling 866/548-2271. Well worth the price.

Support those folks who support our passion!

2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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I met Jim Young, the publisher of Kit Car Magazine at the great Morro Bay event last April. Also with him in CA was Max Zimmer, a wonderful writer and contributor to the magazine. Carloyn Young also has an article in the current issue that made me laugh out loud.

It's no secret that both Jim and Max are partial to Speedster and Spyder replicas. They each had great articles in the issue after Morro Bay and max wrote a hilarious article about the Pumpkin Run that Alasn and Kay Merklin hosted thiis year. A photo of Max wearing Corey's checkered do rag was a hoot--also a nice Speedster shot.

Mentions of Kelly, Kim, Alan, Wild Bill, Joan, Norma, Bruce,Wolfgang, Barry, Toni, Dale Linda, Rocky, Lewis, Cory, Justin,his dad and quite a few others.

Max' writing is priceless,like this line talking about Cory's Hoopty; "The Hoopty, his silver and orange clamshell Speedster stands out like a pit bull at poodle school."

Also a neat story about our resident Rocket Scientist, Kelly.
Also a bonus article by John Steele of JPS fame showing off his '49 Ford daily driver.

Nice Beck ad too.

When I subscribed I had no idea that there would be so much about Speedsters and participants in The Madness and that has been a bonus. I ordered a few back copies too.

The magazine is only $22 a year (4 issues, I think), and you can get a subscription by calling 866/548-2271. Well worth the price.

Support those folks who support our passion!

Jack -- thanks for the kind words. They are truly appreciated. I printed your post, wrapped it, wrote from Jack to Max on the tag, and put it under the tree. It more than makes up for the lunatic hate mail I occasionally get from characters like Hoss and Lane, wanting to know what I'm smoking, how I get past Carolyn's random urine tests, and why Jim doesn't put me in rehab. I sure that Jim and Carolyn will appreciate it too. And it's six issues a year. Hope you got everything you wanted for Christmas, my friend, and more. You too, Bruce. I sure did.

I didn't get my latest issue of KCB yet and I hope it didn't end up in some other person's mail box. We had a sub delivery person and I found all of my mail in my AWOL neighbor's box so I'll have to wait and see if it turns up. As far as "lunatic hate mail" goes, well each issue is just fodder for more of that what with hats, mystery lands, garage ports to other worlds, talking cars....geesh! BTW Lane, don't bogart that joint, just pass it over to me when you're finished. We love you Max, keep up the good work. Amen.
We're about 2 hours South of La Casa del Guapo Lane up there in "Chas'Tn" and we're also at the top of the "Tropic" climate zone (That's zone 8 for you erstwhile gardeners out there).

All we got were a few flurries late yesterday afternoon, although it was only 28 here when we let the Jacks out at the crack of dawn.

Oh.....and we have a leaky water pipe out in the street - just like back in New England when the deep frost hits!!
We had no accumulation here except a dusting in some shady spots. It was falling pretty hard, but temps above freezing prevented build-up. We had a gorgeous 8-10" white Christmas in Asheville, though.

Hey Max, you want me to plug a visit to Charleston for you since Jim's on line? We might even get Gordon to come up to join us. Either that or you can join us for next year's gathering in Asheville for a story line.

Jim, Max says he really needs to get some time in the south this winter :-)
Thanks Lane, Max is free to travel where ever he wants. The fly in that ointment is that the QueenBee doesn't afford any travel budget for freelance writers. I've considered sending him to SEMA, London Cobra Show and other such venues that are maybe a little out of his comfort zone just to see what he comes up with. But alas he's on his own and on what we pay him the return would be suspect. We're just lucky to have him onboard and he never seems to be at a loss for what to write about.
Be sure to pack a toothbrush and paste if you're going to be eating all that tuna. Fish protein breaks down fast with disastrous results, fresh breathly speaking. In other words, you will not be kissing cousin sweet. If you can hitch over to East Tennessee, be sure to look us up. We got a spare bedroom with clean sheets; no sterno required.
Hey, Max! Forget that Tuna BS!

Come on down to Beaufort and get some Shrimp Burgers with Local Shrimp. Best thing this side of heaven that you can catch in a net!

We'll even upgrade you from the shed out back to our guest room overlooking the Broad River (You're another few years older, after all - gotta watch out for our elders, don't we?)

Then, while you're here, we can chat about covering the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona 2011 as a duo. You can provide the "race color" and I can provide the, ahhhhh......, "other color". Or sumthin like that.

No matter what, I can get you up on the roof of the grandstand for the duration of the race (bring your own beef jerkey and pork rinds - Men's room is on the top floor).

And let's not forget my friends, the "Pirelli Girls":

So......What'cha think? Jan. 28-29. Be there or miss out!

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