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Never heard that one before, but I can relate. Had an all mahageny (?) 31 ft cabin cruiser once, ca. mid '50s vintage, and the brightwork on that thing was extensive. I think I only refinished a few sections more than once. Certainly spent more time fixing and refinishing than sailing, I can assure you. Ultimately, figured out I could not own both a house and a boat, so the boat was sold. Have not had another one since, wood or FG. You know: hole in the water where the money goes . . .
I used to attend an annual gathering of classic wooden boats in Green Lake, WI. Most of those competing were Chris Crafts from the 40's, 50's and early 60's. The consistent winner was the commodore of the local club that had a 17' runabout that was to die for. It was absolutely beautiful and perfectly restored. I don't remember any of the "barrel back" types competing, but I understand the attraction; nice rounded lines like a Speedster, I guess. These boats, unless you have somebody else doing the work, are a real labor of love, more like an avocation than a hobby. BTW Kelly, you could have sold the house....;-)
There is a spring "Wheels and Keels" show in Seabrook, TX each year. Well worth the price of admission for both cars and boats. Some of the finest of both..... no connection, but I sure like going

One year my buddy won a trophy for "Peoples Choice Award" at this show, in his red Beck 550 Spyder. People loved it, show sponsors did not....the nerve of the people to select a "plastic kit car".....he didn't get invited back.....that said, if you are anyplace around SE Texas at show time you owe it to yourself to check this show out....
angela, does steve see this forum? Does he know what it is you REALLY lust for, besides him, of course?

I posted a website this summer of the "official" pictures from this boat show, but can't find that right now. Will try later. the rounded backs (barrel??) were very well represented. Not that I do not like the rounded rump of the Speedster, 'cause I do, but I think I like the "classic" look of the flat transom on these runabouts better. One of these days . . .
Max, 10-4, good buddy.

Doug sent me a copy of your article/column, and I pushed it to Babs. We both enjoyed your account.

Very nice description of the event, and the tall stories told. Too bad you had to hallucinate the German coutryside in order to enjoy it. On the other hand, perhaps inducing hallucinations is not all that hard for you, being a flower child of a certain age, like you are. Also, I missed the nude hikers . . .
Okay guys - Boss Jim has been fielding requests for the Pumpkin Run issue of Kit Car Builder and suggests thinking about subscribing. If you sign on before February 1st you'll get the next (April) issue with a feature on the Subie-powered Special Edition Spyder. Plus it's the tenth anniversary issue. And for a real treat - a build story on the Hoopty written and photographed by the pilot himself.
Damned smart coup getting Cory to do the pix and story of the Hoopty
--I can't wait to read that one!

Too bad the article won't have some kind of sound feature to hear that machine wide open at 4,500-5,000 RPMs---ain't nuthin like it!
I was beside Cory when he put the boots to it--quite an impressive sound.

Let's get a photo of Theresa in there too---and how about a paragraph about how they met--a Cinderella story if I ever heard one.

This will be a classic!

Good for Kit Car Magazine.

Guys---it's not all about just the cars. It's the:

Group events
Pismo Beach
This SOC site
Crazy-ass knuckle heads (Credit to El Guapo)
Videos of events
Gerd and his side kick "suck man"
Tips and
"How to's" from new and old friends
Playing Cornhole (I'm not making this up!)
Egg Sammiches
The Biltmore
And so much more

It's all good!

And Kit Car Magazine

"I might have to subscribe."

Be careful there Buddy . . . this might just be an out of the ordinary thing goin' on for a moment or two. For the most part, that rag is chock-o'-block full of boring Cobra crap. Like multi-issue issue reports on Cobra performance reviews and desert test runs and that kinda shit. Before subscribing, check out past issues, do your homework, you might well be let down.

ALL magazines cater towards their advertisers (subscribers and news stand sales don't pay the bills) and most of those these days are from Cobra copies. Not enough coin in a finished Speedster vs a Cobra to make it worth it for advertisers to take a big space in the mag for long. No ads equals no articles.

Just saying, don't get caught up in this thing, wait 'till later and see of it's worth throwing in your coin . . . or buy a Cobra copy and enjoy life. The "replica" section of Ebay is pretty much all cobra all the time.
No, really . . . I'm just saying that one or two issues doesn't a subscription make. Sure, pic up the issue, but if you're gonna subscribe, better start lovin' Cobra copies right now, because it's mostly V8 powered shit, a VERY rare Porsche mention and the occasional plastic Cheetah claiming to be a "continuation" of the original series. Actually subscribe and you're fuckin' doomed with this mag.

Mostly ads and the rest boring for a replica Porsche Boy.

Seriously, grab a two month old issue and open it up. Seriously
TC's point about coverage in Kit Car Builder magazine is pretty much on mark. It IS at least 2/3 Cobra. And I've been reading these rags for at least 20 years (there used to be two magazines - the other died a few years ago).

My point is - I've also subscribed to Car and Driver for the past 30 years or so. I don't personally own a Lexus LFA, a Gallardo, an Aston, a Porsche GT3RS, a Fisker Karma, a Pagini, or an FRC500 Mustang, but I do like to read about them.
Yea, the Cobra reps are a big part of KCB for sure. I do read about them and some of the articles are pretty darned interesting. There are also articles about our cars, more recently than in the past, and good articles about "sevens", another car I would put in my expanded garage. I like the magazine just fine and the people that produce it. They will keep my subscription. Oh, and one of my first reads is ALWAYS "actual mileage". Max rocks, big time.
If for no other reason than no one else supports our hobby AT ALL,
we should get behind Kit Car Magazine.

Surely the last articles on Morro Bay and the Pumpkin Run are worth the price of admission. I like Cobras too---anything wrong with that? My best car buddy has one and we go to car shows together---I always beat his ass with my VS, so as far as Cobras, I have a little sympathy but no distain. The ads are useful as well and I wish I had that pan frame someone is offering in the display ads at the back. Maybe for my next car. Plus I expect an article on the Hoopty is in the cards sometime ---who wouldn't want to see that!

I do agree with Hoss too--the writing is very well done. Max is a hoot and an extremely clever wordsmith.

I don't own stock in KCM but encourage everyone to support someone who supports us.

If you don't want to subscribe---don't. Other things in life should be as simple.

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