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Come on, Vince, enough with the language. No else feels the need to use that kind of talk. We don't need it on this site. You are a sharp guy and we all like to tease back and forth with you but you have got to add some class to the site and clean up your language!

Now, about Paso . . . I cannot understand not hearing from Theron either but he must have a reason. I hope there are no big problems on his end and that we hear from him soon. I have sent him an email and would suggest everyone does the same thing to show him our interest and our support of what he is doing. Paso is an important event for many of us and we want to see it continue.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and Sharon
What is the Vintage VW event? What are the dates if we do the Paso cruise in April. Does Theron have to be the organizer? I am new to this event and just want to have something happen in April so I can make it. Vince that was kinda rude, but Dale and Dusty and others have been working to get something going. If you want to be the organizer, have at it.
I think you guys could still come to the park on that weekend. I will be busy with the NorthSouth 356 meet in San Luis Obispo that weekend so I can't help.

You will need to pick a leader and contact Norma at the Paso Robles Main Street organization at...

835 12th Street "D" (Norma's Way)
Paso Robles, Ca 93446
(805) 238-4103 (805) 238-4029

Norma can be a little gruff but she gets it done.

Then contact the Adelaide Inn and get the group deal and you are done!

Good Luck!
The date for the Recycled Treasures event is April 26.
Do we want to keep it on this weekend and use the park? Show of hands, please.

If Theron is too busy to deal with this right now then we'll have to take it over.
Let's get busy, people.

This is a post from Mike, dated 4/7/07. I think it has enough info to get us going:

Just to give you a run down for the Speedsters in Paso.The Friday wine tour will be lead by (Fast)Eddie Janis and will start from the Paso Robles Inn West Side of Spring between 10th & 12th St. at 2:00pm.Friday evening my wife and I will have an open house with wine and finger food 5 to 7. 2477 Starling Court.Saturday the park will open to take cars by 8:30, if you want to show up early we may put you to work.Cars will enter the same as last year from the South West corner.If you want to park next to someone try to come to the park together.If you are coming to the show as a vendor I will need to collect $40.00 for the Paso Mainstreet or you can contact them at or 805-238-4013.This year we will have a donation jar at the sign up table, $10.00 would be great. Saturday evening, this should be fun, dinner by Chef Fat Jack BBQ at the Adelaida Motel.I need a count on who's going to be there.So if you haven't signed up for it and will be attending, please sign up.Sunday wine drive tour will start at 10:30 from 12th and Park at the downtown park.This is a section that was brought down by the earthquake and it has just been restored.What I would like to do is meet there Sunday morning for a big photo of the downtown with all the cars. Kit Car Magazine, Brian Smith, editor will be there plus the local press (I hope). If you need more info you can call me at 805-238-3417
Count me in for April 26. Who will coordinate with Paso and the Inn? If you need a voice on the telephone to deal with them I will volunteer. I am sure we can pull together a great meet if everyone communicates here.

Who is willing to set up a winery tour or two? Let us know.
Who will help set up a restaurant for a group dinner? Let's not take a chance on an outdoor BBQ again. (weather!!)
We can dispense with the raffle and maybe have a gift exchange among ourselves. (I will organize it, if needed)

Ideas?? Come on, crew, let's get with it. Post your thoughts on here and I will help make things move Monday.

NOTE: I will be gone most of this weekend but will TRY to get near my computer now and then as time allows. If anyone needs t speak with me please call me directly at (970-669-1588) before noon Saturday or after Monday morning.

Paso here we come. Dusty and Miss Sharon
Actually Theron was here on this site today at around 2:19 P.M.
I think that some of you folks just don't get it!, if you go back to the beginning of this topic ,he tells you that he is looking for another place to hold the event, further into spring. One more thing, some of you should off stopped suggesting places , dates and/or other things from the very beginning , if you go back and read YOUR previous posts you will see what I'm talking about!!!
And as far as Vince's language and naked pictures of women...what's new? that's Vince!!!!!

Range Rover HSE, Diesel Pusher Motorhome,(Speedsterless and I don't care)..LOL~ Esther
I do get a little rattled on occasion, First let me say...
But when I saw a post on another thread from Theron, I blew it.....
I know in the past he has had a few medical issues, and if that were the case, some of us could step in and do the deal with Paso, so I wasn't saying much, but after seeing that post, I figure he's out there lurking and saying nothing about Paso.....
Regardless of what anybody thinks, he is our leader in a way and we expect him to take the reins for the west coast meet.
The Vintage VW club had a showing last year and Brian is their leader, they are basically based in the Paso area, and perhaps he can get us some info on what the organizers think.
I will butt out from this point, apparently this whole thing has pissed me off.....I don't even have a speedster anymore, why should I care one way or the other....
Again, please except my apology for my language previously...
Vince, apology accepted, and thanks for the cage rattle! I do not know anything about the Paso meet as I have never been to one. I would like to do one this year. I can help with the organization by offering to help post a fee if the town needs a security deposit or an insurance fee. That is about all I can from 2500 miles away. I know that this has been a fun event in previous years. I do not know Theron, but if he can not get it together, let's get organized and do it! I do'nt know the territory, but will help if told what to do. Except----- well you know the the rest----- Do THIS!
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