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im thinking of attending with my Tiger. i would need a roomie that isnt gay, that means no Marines . I do snore, sleepwalk and have flatulance but nothing worse than your wife/girlfriend. My girlfriend is gorgeous but has no desire to drive in a car with no stereo, AC, reclining seats, sunroof, ventilation, makeup mirror, cupholder, cruise control,heated seats, GPS, shock absorbers, decent brakes and doesnt overheat or need gas every 10 miles.
Well heck, if Vince is bringing singles... I'LL BE THERE!!!

Steve and I will go with 90% probability. I've got a bike race the following weekend in Monterey, which is the only likely hitch in the plans.

Bob? Why not have your gal just drive a regular car? You still get sunsets at the beach, great dinner, she gets to meet your buddies, etc.

Oh wait...she might meet us and then leave - LOL!


I have downgraded to a 914-4. Shouldn't be a problem with your beautiful 911. Hope you can make it again.

And besides, I am getting the feeling that people want something a little more casual. Wine tasting or a run where you try to identify landmarks on the way, with a prize for the most correct answers? Talk to me folks, it's your party.
Ahhh, Angela...the Naciemento / Ferguson Road. I remember it well when heading down the PCH last May and seeing a sign North of Big Sur indicating a landslide had made our scheduled route to Morro Bay impossible by the intended route. Up that little road we went, mostly in second gear till Fran made me stop to let her take some Gravol. Somehow we came out at Fort Hunter Leggat and the troops were going bananas that day celebrating the news of Bin Laden's death.
Wow, it's been a while since I checked-in here. In between the very entertaining banter, here's what I noticed:

Dale wants to put together a Wine Tour.
Jim's thinking 2 drives for Saturday - one with wine, one without.
Also, I got an email from Warren today and he's got a great idea for cruising on Saturday.

So, Gentlemen (hee hee, it makes me laugh to call you gentlemen), talk to each other. Whatever you plan for Saturday will be perfect. And it can be good to have more than one option. A couple things to keep in mind, the lunches are boxed so they are portable, and the banquet starts at 6pm.

Jim, I tried to watch the video of last year but I got a stupid message that it's been blocked due to copyright.

One last thing, Vince, stop asking people to pull your catheter! That's just gross!

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