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Eddy---same here, buddy. It was my plan for this year but the business brokerage gig is too hectic to make it this year. I was able to squeeze Carlisle in but that's it until late summer.

I damned sure expect to get out there in 2013 though. Pismo sounds like it will be sensational and I hope it's a ball for all attendees.

Thanks for your post.
Hi guys! Sorry it seems that I've been MIA. Yes, I've been buried in books and on the road a lot for work. And, yes, I hang out with you guys as part of my education in abnormal psychology. I'm thinking of continuing on to get a PhD so I can write a dissertation about you guys ;-)

Big thanks to Warren for taking on the task of scheduling activities and to Vince for handling the raffle. Vince, one thought on that: maybe we could do a 50/50 raffle and donate half of the cash to support SOC operating costs??? And how cool that we're going to have hats and t-shirts this year - Thanks Jim C!

I can't believe our gathering is only ONE MONTH AWAY! Wow!

Remember the deadline for getting $$$ to me for Saturday lunch and dinner is May 23rd. So far I have received checks from:

Roy McIntire - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Jim Carr - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Dave Johnston - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Doug Borden - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Jim Ignacio - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Troy Sloan - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
John Kaufman - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Mary Duncan - 2 lunch, 2 dinner
Bob Eiland - 2 lunch, 2 dinner

I'll update this info with your meal requests later. If you didn't indicate what you would like to eat, then I'll contact you.

That list is pretty short! Send in those checks! The how and how much is toward the top of the thread - 6th message from the top.
Reservations confirmed, check to Jen in the mail, suitcase in the hall and yes, speedster still in the garage. I have not been well since Dec. and my husband, "Saint Bob" has spent many hours taking care of me and my numerous trips to Doc, ER and short hospital stay. I am in recovery mode and ready to have some fun. NOTE TO PISMO--I am NOT packing a raincoat so you'd better act accordingly. See ya all soon. Bob's wife Jessica #1 and only.
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