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installed a larger tank and installed stock sending unit years ago. shows empty with 8 gal. still in tank, duh. so now i took a new larger tank and measured to bottom, about 10".
see pic of stock sending unit at about 7" at empty.
Bent rod till it extends to 9".
next few days i will fill tank and siphon out 2.5 gallon on time and register gauge readings. has to be closer than previous set up.

1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)

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installed a larger tank and installed stock sending unit years ago. shows empty with 8 gal. still in tank, duh. so now i took a new larger tank and measured to bottom, about 10".
see pic of stock sending unit at about 7" at empty.
Bent rod till it extends to 9".
next few days i will fill tank and siphon out 2.5 gallon on time and register gauge readings. has to be closer than previous set up.


Images (3)
  • tank sending unit 001
  • tank sending unit 008
  • tank sending unit 010
That should give you a better indication of Empty. But of course it will instead read Full for a while before it ever starts to drop. Much less of a problem.

However, one thing you will notice is the gauge will be a lot less linear in its fuel measurement. Because of the angle of the float relative to the pivot point, it will swing through a progressively wider arc the lower the fuel is. So, for example, you might get 100 miles with the gauge stuck at Full, 100 miles from Full to 1/2, 25 miles from 1/2 to 1/4, and 12 miles from 1/4 to Empty. You'll have to do your tests to find out the specifics.
Yes Marty,, That's the one I was thinking of Even if you have to shorten it's case to fit in the tank.

It still would be a better set up , And you wouldnt have a float wearing the the thing out so much from its constant bounce while the car is in motion .

I have been thinking about a mechanial verson like it wth a cable that twist a needle composed of a Briggs and Stration brass doe nut float and a slightly twisted dipstick. In design you can likely ajust it to perfection.

Only probem is finding a float thats just the right size to do it and fit threw the tank hole.
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