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When I was 13 my parents bought a home in a new sub-division in Maryland just outside DC. Soon after we moved in, builders started another sub-division not far from ours. The land was a big old farm with a huge old farm house about a mile from my house. The big old double-hung windows had a sash weight on each side frame that was made of a rough cast pot metal with the weight number cast in the top of each torpedo shaped weight. The weights ranged from five pounds to six and a half pounds in half pound increments. I decided it would be cool to make an exercise machine that used the sash weights for resistance. It took me a week to "acquire" enough wood to build a bench press/leg press in my parents basement and another week to pull out the sash weights and carry all 315 lbs. to the machine of pain. I used that thing for about five years to help make me the muscle bound monster I am today. -- 

Syl...those weights. You heisted them from the construction site? Or took them out of all the windows in your house?


Either way, hilarious!


The house I grew up in had old style windows with weights in the original part and new fangled aluminum track windows in the "new" part, which was added when I was three years old. The ropes inside the old window frames had long ago rotted so there was like one or two weights left actually attached in the dozen or so windows in the old part of the house. In the summer they were all propped open. We had special sticks dedicated to the job.


Flash forward 35 years. My first house is a 1926 vintage, and basically unmolested (real wood doors, crystal door knobs, hardwood trim, etc.). I set it as right as I could in four year's occupancy, and when I go to sell it's an FHA deal. Word comes back (among several other minor things, such as "replace the electrical junction box"): the sash weights need to be reattached.


The sticks I had were not good enough for government work! (Or, at least, a govt. loan).


Went back up there--the house was in Connecticut; I was in Baltimore by then-- spent the day taking window frames apart, replacing disintegrated rope, tying on the sash weights, shimming the tracks back nice and snug.


Brought my mom along cause she told me she'd done it as a kid too.


"Never in our house, though?"


Nah, she said. I was waiting for your father to get to it.



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