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Both sound great. I had Sebrings on both my Type I and my 2132 twin plug. The 356 motor does sound a bit deeper with the stock exhaust, but I've not had the opportunity to mate a Dansk canister exhaust to a type I (though i will be helping Teby do that very soon). Overall, they both sound lovely. 

If I have an opportunity to record Teby's car with the same exhaust as my 2132, I'll take a video and post it here.

@IamR: Yep. I already have someone after me for my 56 steel bodied outlaw coupe, so it will likely find a new home soon! You know me well.

I can guarantee you the car with the twin plug Wilhoit engine  would find no shortage of buyers with very, very deep pockets.

The entire thing is stunning on a completely different level,  and worth deep into six figures.

We are all playing the same game. The difference is, some of us are playing T-ball, and others are in the World Series. I'm glad there are guys like Anand raising the bar for the rest of us. 

Stan, as usual, you are right on. Since I posted a video of my motor running of my facebook, Willhoit has received not one -- but THREE more orders for twin plug 2132s. Thats $120,000 worth of engines. I suppose there are more people with poor judgement out there besides me...

Regarding the engine performance, the 2132 really is amazing. Cast iron, Durabar cylinders with JE pistons, NO external oil cooler, and I ran my 356c in 103 degree ambient heat last July from Palo Alto to Fresno (180 miles) with normal oil temps and NO overheating. That was amazing to me. My twin plug should be much the same.

arajani posted:

Stan, as usual, you are right on. Since I posted a video of my motor running of my facebook, Willhoit has received not one -- but THREE more orders for twin plug 2132s. Thats $120,000 worth of engines. I suppose there are more people with poor judgement out there besides me...

Ok, I laughed out loud at that!

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