Karen's Husband,
I have a 2001 IM with a 2275 type 1 engine. I love it! The sound, the power, the carb balancing, heck, I love everything about my car. In fact, you may have seen it in the Alberta Show program, the black car in the sunflower field?
Over the past 7 years I have had the speedster, Henry and I have become the best of friends. He is a man of principle and integrity and he goes out of his way to help replica speedster/roadster owners.
As big a fan as I am of the air cooled engine, if I had the chance to do another car, as much as I'd love a 2.4L 911 engine, I think I'd go with a water cooled engine. I'd probably try to talk Henry into a 2.0 Audi turbo or something close. There are a couple of reasons for this decision, the first is complete reliability, the second is ease of registration in CA, and then there is the comfort factor of lots of heat and great air conditioning. I drive my car in the winter, temperatures in the low 30s F, with the top down. Heat is good.
My wife and I will be coming from Sacramento CA for the BBQ in July. I hope you two can make it over. We'd love to meet you.