Actually, it's not a bad looking car. And it has about the same amount of incorrectness between a Pre-A and an A version that a whole lot of other replicas have (except for Manny's!). Things like a combination of Pre-A and A features kind-of munged together into something that looked good to the builder or owner. Nothing wrong with that and unless you're really into what's authentic in one model or the other, no big deal.
Yes, this is (often) a tough crowd, and none of these guys ever added a touch of "marketing flair" to any of the ads they used to sell something, either. But this site is all about replicas, so there you go. The "real" Porsche Speedsters came in at 1820 pounds curb weight, (about the same as a replica) so you might change your ad to reflect something like 1800 lbs, and, while you have a period correct shift knob, the bend in the lever is at the bottom (like a VW beetle) rather than at the top (in a real Porsche). How do I know all this? I wrote this:
Good luck with your sale (and the new house!). As mentioned, your asking price is high, especially for this site, but you might find someone on eBay in your area with the hots for exactly what you've got and would be happy to pay the asking price. If not, you can lower it till you get a bite.