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Has anyone inquired about this before?
I have a Vintage 1957 replica. I would like to put on a pair
of 1956 california license plates.

I have found a pair of 1956 license plates that have been cleared.
Now my question is - my registration and title list this replica as a SPCNS (make) from 2009. Nothing on the registration or title that refers to this replica as a 1957, or any year of anything.

How can I make a case to the DMV to let me use these 1956 plates?
1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)
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Has anyone inquired about this before?
I have a Vintage 1957 replica. I would like to put on a pair
of 1956 california license plates.

I have found a pair of 1956 license plates that have been cleared.
Now my question is - my registration and title list this replica as a SPCNS (make) from 2009. Nothing on the registration or title that refers to this replica as a 1957, or any year of anything.

How can I make a case to the DMV to let me use these 1956 plates?
Mike got a nugget for you, let's say you want a custom plate (phat tub)
check with DMV on the web if available get it, then go to have them make you a pair.
now you got the old school plates and keep the new ones in the Tub with your registration, some may argue illegal but I feel most Policemen are understanding ?

Cabanaboy - fly loooow and avoid the radar !!!

If you're looking for the legal answer, then the short answer to your last queston "You can't"

California Vehicle Code.

5004.1. (a) (1) An owner of a vehicle that is a 1969 or older model-year vehicle or the owner of a commercial vehicle or a pickup truck that is a 1972 or older model-year may, after the requirements for the registration of the vehicle are complied with and with the approval of the department, utilize license plates of this state with the date of year corresponding to the model-year date when the vehicle was manufactured, if the model-year date license plate is legible and serviceable, as determined by the department, in lieu of the license plates otherwise required by this code.(2) The department may consult with an organization of old car hobbyists in determining whether the date of year of the license plate corresponds to the model-year date when the vehicle was manufactured.

As Desi has mentioned, some Law Enforcement officers are understanding however some are not and if you display an illegal plate, the officer has the authority to Impound your car and in some cases, arrest you.

The last I heard, TV license plates no longer will send plates to California due to our laws that prohibit a duplication of a legal California license plate.

I know a lot of people will argue that they have displayed such plates with no problem.

Kind of like the guy who consistently speeds on the freeway and claims to have never been stopped. Then all of sudden he gets a speeding ticket.

Remember shit happens!!!! or better yet, as Robert Blake (wife killer) used to say in the TV series Baretta "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

The bottom line is this.. You have to make the decision and hope your car isn't impounded or worse, you go to jail.

Hi Gang - FYI -
Went to DMV this morning to inquire about 1956 plates. Took my registration, a picture of the 1956 plates I want to put on, and a picture of the plates I have on my car now.
The lady at the DMV didn't know, so she took my registration to a supervisor, and I could see her shank her head "NO"
She indicated, since my car is registered as "Special Construction" with nothing on the registration or title as to the year of the pan, that I could not use 1956 plates on my car.
On the inside of my drivers door jamb, there is the California VIN
number white tag. It indicates on there, the car was built from a 1967 pan - - -but nothing on the registration or title it came from a 1967 pan.
So - - -without opening a can of worms, I decided to drop the idea of trying to get the old plates for my speedy.
One other thing, the YOM on my registration and title says "0000"
so, as I mentioned, I don't want the State to open up this case, because with their lack of funds, they'll definitely probably try to stick it to me !
I'm posting this again, I've done it several times in the past and it's just for your information. Of course, you (Calif residents) have to make your own decision. I'm not the license plate policeman, I just don't want you to have BAD information nor do I want to see any of you have your car's impounded, or see you go to jail. Ask Dale how much it cost him to get himself out of this kind of a mess. It's not pretty!!!!

This was posted on the site that I administer ( )by Deputy Att. General Robert Morgester.

The California Attorney Generals Office has been and will continue to conduct investigations into the fraudulent registration of replica vehicles.
The initial investigation was limited to Cobra replica vehicles due to known VIN sequences.
We are aware that the same fraudulent vehicle registration issues apply to other replica vehicles and hot rods.

To correct a common misunderstanding of California law, it is a felony to do the following:

1. Register a vehicle where the year of vehicle is misrepresented;
2. Register a vehicle where the value of the vehicle is understated; or
3. Register a vehicle where the year of the vehicle is misrepresented to avoid compliance with California smog laws.

Any of the above actions are a felony in violation of Vehicle Code Section 4463(a). Additionally, the above actions constitute the crime of perjury, in that all statement of facts contained in California DMV documents are taken under penalty of perjury.

If you are a California resident and have done any of the above in registering your replica vehicle or hot rod you may wish to contact an attorney. I would also encourage you to take proactive steps to correct the problem by legally re-registering your vehicle.

If you have further questions you may contact me at (916) 445-9330.

Robert Morgester
Deputy Attorney General
Special Crimes Unit
State of California Department of Justice
(916) 445-9330
Mike, since there seems to be a loophole (however carefully worded that D.A.G.'s statement is, it seems to be deliberately vague), I think you have some possible options.

Option 1: If I lived there, I might get the car appraised by a VW specialist and your insurance company. Then take the appraisals to the DMV with a few other things in your hand.

I would not go to the same DMV, but find another nearby. I'd walk in the door with that official-looking Spyder Club post cut-and-pasted into a word document. I would probably point out the 0000 registration year, and point out the 1967 VIN. Show them the appraisal information and explain that your car is an odd duck -- and tell them you don't know what to do.

Obviously, you don't want to be a felon. You just want to drive your car; let them decide what the car actually is, and in the process ask them if you could use 1967 plates. Sound eager.
When they tell you what it is, live with that decision.

Option 2: Maybe you sell your secondhand Special Construction Vehicle to someone out of state and have to go in and register your 1967 Volkswagen, which has been modified from its original configuration, basing that decision on the VIN.

If exercising Option 2, I would go to yet a third DMV. I'm jus' sayin' ...
The best thing is just suck it up and don't do it. Counties, cities, CA is looking for ways to make more money. We are all targets in some form or another, don't give them any more ways to collect "taxes".

Get personal plates, play with Hollywood TV and you could be fine, but DO NOT fraudulantly register your car as something it is not! I have had that experience and almost lost in a big way.
Cory, the only fallacy in going to a the DMV a 2nd time, 3rd time or allowing DMV to "make the determination" is that it will still get you into trouble. And by the way, DMV won't make the determination, they work off of paperwork that's generated by the DMV customer.

Remember, in California, when you sign the registration papers and even if DMV made the mistake, you're still guilty...

Example: A careless DMV employee lists the year of a car as 1975 instead of 1976 thus exempting you from the state's smog program and you sign the registration document. (remember, in CA, you sign under penalty of perjury and failure to read the document before you sign doesn't allow you to pleed "ignorance")

My advice (for what it's worth) Listen to Dale (see above) and pay attention to what I wrote if you want to avoid any possible future problems. (With the economy the way it is, it's only going to get worse before it gets better)
I know a couple of the guys from the cobra fiasco that occurred 8? years ago. I met them on a tour I took with them to the coast. This is briefly what happened. Different guys had slightly different experiences. None of them pleasant.

Using auto titles purchased from out of state, they registered their cars as '64 fords, paid registration fees, taxes on a declared value that would be expected for a '64 ford (not much) and then drove their cars like Cobras.

DMV fraud unit and the Attorneys General discovered the "inconsistancies" thru various means (posted photos, car shows, magazine articles about the cars, etc) and decided that fraud had taken place.

One saturday morning, 14 Cobra owners were notified by having law enforcement showing up at their homes with big guns, flack jackets and helmets. Not very comforting. The cars were impounded, all back taxes, late registration fees, penalties had to be paid before the car could be released. For a time, there was doubt as to whether the cars would be returned after the impoundment.

One of the violaters was a local county deputy sherrif, he spent 3 years in jail/prison because he should have known better.

I also registered my original IM using a title from out of state, as a 58 Speedster. I wanted to avoid paying a large registration fee and the use taxes that CA piles on to cars. I also wanted to get the Yellow/Black plates. After owning the car for about 3 years, I got a registered letter from CA DMV requesting my pink slip and the plates from my car, BECAUSE THEY knew it was fraudulantly registered and it was NOT a 58 Porsche Speedster. The letter further said that if I was caught driving the car it WOULD (not could) be impounded.

Fortunetely, I was nearly done with the SB100 process and I paid my late fees and taxes. I gave a copy of the "fraud letter" to John, the new owner of my very much missed black speedster. If he wants to share how serious it sounds.

By the way, this is an "amnesty year" to correct any ilegal or unlawful, fraudulant registrations in CA. You will still have to pay any fees due, but the AG said he will not prosecute.

Well -
I've only had my car for less than a year, and thought the old 56 license plate would add to my cars character. After last Mondays
DMV trip, I decided to drop all intentions of pursuing an old license plate.
I don't know how some of you were able to obtain your california plates, but since mine is registered as "Special Construction" there really isn't much argument on my part.
Thanks for all the imput, it opened my eyes.
Dale - I remember when you were going through that BS with the DMV and Fraud Police. Bummer that you went through but on the flip side glad they didn't molest you any more than they did over this seemingly victimless law infraction.

I appreciate you and Larry sharing your expertise/experience regarding these DMV issues to spare those contemplating this 'registration/vintage plate' gamble some hefty fines or even jail time.

Peace - Out!
If it all came down to money and God knows California needs money they would just charge a fee to use the YOM plates just like any other vanity plate. What does it really matter if the number combo is not in the system then......just collect the fu***ng money!

We the owners of the cars would pay.

Common sense here is what is lacking from a possible revenue stream.

Oh that's right we are dealing with polititions......
Wolf,,, where the can get you on this is that after the VW pan has been re-bodied, it's worth more than an early VW. They look at "comp's" just as is done in real estate. Looking for gray area's or loopholes is OK if you're willing to take the chance but when it comes down to the final dotting of the I's and crossing the "T's" then they've got you because the car is worth way more than a stock VW. A lot of folks get the seller to discount the actual price on the bill of sale but the problem is that when the bill of sale is signed by both parties, it's under penalty of perjury.

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