Built in 1997 by ASVE
1600 CC engine
22,000 miles
Red with tan interior
My daughter inherited the car it is just not a practical car for her that is why we are selling.
Car wheels were adjusted to fit a wider tire.
425-894-1562 Seattle, WA.
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Built in 1997 by ASVE
1600 CC engine
22,000 miles
Red with tan interior
My daughter inherited the car it is just not a practical car for her that is why we are selling.
Car wheels were adjusted to fit a wider tire.
425-894-1562 Seattle, WA.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
22,000 miles, red tan interior excellent condition.
I am baffled by the lack of detail in some of the for sale threads I see on this site. Computer literate or not, people MUST have some understanding on how to sell something... no?
Here, let me help.
-Make of Speedster (assuming it's a replica)
-Year of build
-Contact info (name, phone number, ANYTHING)
-Location of Car
-More details (what sets it off from the rest)
Not trying to be a dick but come on.
I'm with Indetrucks on this. Take a look at some of the posts by Troy Sloan, drclock and others. Selling a replica speedster isn't like putting your 2001 Ford 150 up for sale in that the variations in these cars are endless and the enthusiasts on this site are pretty savvy.
I am on the lookout for cars for a couple of friends of mine, and I would normally not even bother to alert them to an ad like this. Would you?
IMO the most important part is the price. Listing the price ahead of time will also ward off tire kickers who will waste your time with a phone call.
That being said, how much are you asking?
Looks like a great deal.
Wow, 10k is a fantastic deal based on those pictures!
What/who is an ASVE build?
I am not sure of the exact history of this car. ASVE was written down in the file. My brother-in-law purchased the car in 2007 and passed away in 2008. The car was given to my daughter and her Dad told her to NEVER sell it well he passed away in March so feels she can sell it now. She has tried to drive it but it it to difficult for her. I like to drive it when the sun is out which is not to often in Seattle.
The car appraised for 10k.
"ASVE" may imply assembled/homebuilt/kit vehicles-this is usually a descriptive catch-all used by various departments of motor vehicles (this acronym may vary from one individual state to another). The VIN is probably the most relevant thing to ascertain. Just call the seller and find out.
Kim-your car is way under-priced; should be in the the $15-20k range at least for "quick-sale" pricing (depending on inspection).
Where in Seattle is the car located? South? East?
I'm in Portland.
more pics..inside...front..underneath and engine. DETAILS.
Kim, send me the pictures they want and I'll post them for you.
Thank you will do.
Thank you for the info. will give it a try.
By the way, Kim.
Sorry for your loss.
Thanks Tpnuckels.
I just have this memory of my brother-in-law showing us his new project and it was the speedster and it was just a shell. He put it all together. Check out his web site at OXO foundation ARTBYOXO. He was an amazing guy.
Have you thought about keeping the car and hanging out here?
We're a pretty good group of knuckleheads.
It might not be a good car-choice for your daughter but it sounds like it's full of great memories.
Stick around and search the site. There are some good posts on making the car better, regarding weather-proofing and warmer for your climate.
All you have to do is ask a question and you'll have folks there to help.
Hello Terry,
I took Lil' Red Ride to Sea Fair last Sunday and on the way her left eye fell out and she was a real pirate mobile. After ordering a new headlight and speaking with the gal at Vintage speedsters she told me to go to speedsterowners.com. It has opened up a whole new world that I did not know existed, truly exciting. The thought has crossed my mind to take a cruise and meet all you savvy speedster enthusiasts. I would need to get permission from the boss funny how time changes everything.
Would like to meet all you Knuckel heads one day.
Had my headlight installed today at a dealer that sells Speedsters, 85$.(Does that sound right to you guys?) When the car was finished the guy came out and said "Your lights and tail lights and turn signals are not working and I have checked all the fuses and they are ok, he then asked me if I wanted to leave the car and have them check it out. I declined on his offer.
I found the fuse box on my own I was going to ask you guys where it was but I thought I better try to find it first. There was this one fuse that looked like it was kinda melted on both ends so I took it out and put it back in and the lights worked.
Kim, you're a natural!
You have to keep the speedy.
And find some one new to work on your car, it sounds like he was looking to take advantage of you.
Had my headlight installed today at a dealer that sells Speedsters, 85$.(Does that sound right to you guys?) When the car was finished the guy came out and said "Your lights and tail lights and turn signals are not working and I have checked all the fuses and they are ok, he then asked me if I wanted to leave the car and have them check it out. I declined on his offer.
I found the fuse box on my own I was going to ask you guys where it was but I thought I better try to find it first. There was this one fuse that looked like it was kinda melted on both ends so I took it out and put it back in and the lights worked.
$85 sounds like an hourly rate and regardless of the job, many shops charge a minimum rate of one hour (yes, even for lights). Replacing the headlight is very easy and probably about a 15-30 minute job (if you are taking your time).
Where is your fuse box located out of curiosity?
It's a time machine Kim. It'll take years off your life every time you fire it up...The guys at this site will keep it running tip top for you.
After ordering a new headlight and speaking with the gal at Vintage speedsters she told me to go to speedsterowners.com. It has opened up a whole new world that I did not know existed, truly exciting.
That made my day.
Kim-a fuse with evidence of "melting" is telling; I'd have an auto electrician see if there's a need for separate circuits and/or the need for relays. Also note the wire gauge(s) and proper grounding.
Thanks guys for your feedback and insight with the wiring. The fuse box is right under the middle of the dash held on by 2 screws.
The guys are right, keep the car Kim! You are a natural enthusiast.
Keep the car and see how you like driving it as well as hooking up with the knuckel-heads here..you can always sell it later w/o loosing a dime on it ...... Alan
I'm back ...... Well sorta !
Well , clock me a f**kin' sschmeer! dammit!
Kim where are you from maybe someone can lead you to a Speedster guru?
The fuse may have been the wrong one?
I know this is a little stale but perhaps the fact that a headlight fell out had something to do with the fuse blowing. Maybe the mechanic that put the light back in shorted the ground wire to the hot side. The first place I would look is that new headlamp and the ground wire attached to it.
Steve, information about a problem in the electrical system is never too stale.
Need some engine work done as well. Anyone know any Speedster gurus on the Eastside of Seattle.
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